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What is the control standard for cable tray installation? Posted by : admin / Posted on : Mar 09, 2021

Stringing Blocks Manufacturers

Cable tray horizontal installation bracket spacing: 1.5-3 meters, vertical installation bracket spacing: not more than 2 meters;

The distance between the uppermost layer of the cable support and the top of the shaft or the top of the floor shall not be less than 150-200mm, and the bottom of the lowermost layer of the cable support or the ground shall not be less than 50-100mm;

Metal conduits are strictly prohibited to be connected by fusion welding, and galvanized and steel conduits with a wall thickness of less than 2mm should not be connected by casing welding;

Laying steel pipes outdoors below the ground, the buried depth should not be less than 0.7 meters, and the wall thickness should not be less than 2mm;

When there is no design requirement, buried in the wall or in the concrete wire tube, using medium-sized or above conduits;

When connecting with electrical equipment through flexible conduits, the power equipment is no more than 0.8 meters, and the lighting equipment is no more than 1.2 meters.

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